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New Law Changes That Affect Pennsylvania Beer Drinkers

Sales Tax on Beer - This summer, the cost of your beers are going to increase. Starting on July 1, 2019, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue will be collecting 6 percent sales tax for every dollar of beer that is sold directly to consumers via brewery taprooms, tasting rooms, and brewpubs. In essence, a $6 beer today will cost a consumer at minimum of $6.36 after July 1st.

Sales Tax on Beer

This summer, the cost of your beers are going to increase. Starting on July 1, 2019, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue will be collecting 6 percent sales tax for every dollar of beer that is sold directly to consumers via brewery taprooms, tasting rooms, and brewpubs. In essence, a $6 beer today will cost a consumer at minimum of $6.36 after July 1st.

The tax will affect manufacturers or holders of a “G” License, which is designated to any brewery, or a “GP” license, which breweries may obtain for a brewpub license for onsite consumption or sale. However, the tax will not affect traditional restaurants or bars that sell beer.

This additional tax on beer sold in taprooms comes direct-to-consumer sales become popular among breweries with the new change in law.

Direct-to-Consumers Sales

Have you ever thought about having beer delivered to your house? Well, recent changes to Pennsylvania law may make this dream a reality. Recent changes to Pennsylvania law allows Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board-licensed restaurants and other retailers to home deliver up to two six-packs on the conditions that the person taking delivery be of legal age and not visibly intoxicated.

Breweries can also take part in the direct-to-consumer sales. Breweries are permitted to deliver its own beers and will pay and collect state sales taxes on purchases. One of the benefits for consumers for purchasing beer straight from the brewery is that there is no limit on the amount of beer that the manufacturers can ship. Therefore, an individual can order as little or as much beer from a brewery.

Mar 15, 2020 | Articles

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